Beth Jeans Houghton & The Hooves of Destiny are:
Beth Jeans Houghton: Songwriter, Musician, Singer - A home grown bean with boots on her roots and sound in her ground.
Dav Shiel: Drummer - A golden dog warm with in the fog storm (host of lance) R.I.P Lance. (a closed sac, having a distinct membrane and division compared to the nearby tissue. It may contain air, fluids, or semi-solid material).
Rory Gibson: Bassist - synthetic traveller off west with nine blind stoves and a chainsaw. (a portable mechanical saw, powered by electricity, compressed air, hydraulic power, or most commonly a two-stroke engine).
Edward Blazey: Guitarist, Trumpeteer - Dime dried curd swathed polymer (a large molecule (macromolecule) composed of repeating structural units.
Findlay MacAskill: Violinist, Surgeon - Crimson side car swallowed of neat by product horizon. (the apparent line that separates earth from sky, the line that divides all visible directions into two categories).
Calum Howard: Keys - dilated wall below yellow foresight for chunderbugs. Iodine Monofluoride (a chocolate-brown solid that decomposes at 0 C)